
Ubisoft (anciennement Ubi Soft Entertainment) est une entreprise française de développement, d'édition et de distribution de jeux vidéo, créée en mars 1986 par les cinq frères Guillemot, originaires de Carentoir dans le Morbihan, en France.

Depuis 2017, Ubisoft est le plus grand éditeur indépendant du monde.


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    A//SO is a brand content production company focused on storytelling. It employs directors (commercial and feature directors), authors, photographers, journalists and AD who craft premium stories for brands and ad agencies. Through the years, we have fostered a unique and successful way of telling stories through our magazines (Society, So Foot, Sofilm, Doolittle…) which has lended an extra touch to every bit of material we have produced for brands and TV these past 10 years, whether it be digital content, stunts, mini-series, TV features or documentaries…